Enviro-Tip of the Month: Summertime Energy Saving Tips

summertime energy saving tips july 2017Simple and inexpensive actions could help save you money and energy during the warm summer months. Here are 5 tips to help you conserve energy and keep more money in your pocket this summer: 

  1. Do all of your energy-heavy chores during off-peak hours
    • Save your vacuuming, cooking, laundry, and dishwashing for early mornings or evenings when the outside temperature is cooler. Doing so will cut your energy bill and prevent your home from heating up unnecessarily during the day.
  2. Slay vampire energy and unplug
    • Whether you’re gone for just a few hours or on vacation for a week, unplugging your electronics will reduce your energy bill. Any device that is plugged in draws energy, even when it isn’t on or if you’re not using it. The Natural Resources Defence Council estimates that 51% of your vampire energy comes from gaming consoles, TVs, computers, and printers. Unplugging electronics and using smart power strips can save 10-20% of your energy bill!
  3. Adjust the thermostat
    • Be sure to adjust the thermostat a few degrees when you’re away or at night time. This will save money and unnecessary energy to cool your home. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates you can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling simply by turning your thermostat back 7-10 degrees F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting. You can learn more by watching this DOE video.
  4. Let in some light
    • If possible, save electricity in your house or workplace by opening the blinds instead of turning on the lights. In places where you have to use lighting, install efficient lighting that runs cooler, such as LEDs.
  5. Use fans to cool down
    • Ceiling fans are great for cooling people quickly. The DOE estimates that a ceiling fan will allow you to raise the thermostat setting by about 4 degrees with no reduction in comfort. Just remember to turn the fan off when you leave the room because fans cool people, not rooms! When you shower or take a bath, use a bathroom fan to remove the heat and humidity. Your laundry room may also benefit from spot ventilation. Just make sure your fans are vented to the outside and not just the attic.

Want to learn more about what you can do to your home or more ways to save money year-round? The LaRC Energy Team has many resources on opportunities to save energy and money, including a do-it-yourself home energy audit. Check it out by clicking here. 



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