
Spill Prevention and Response

NASA LaRC takes the prevention and response of any spills and compliance with state and federal regulations very seriously. LaRC has an Integrated Spill Contingency Plan (ISCP) that functions as an operational, single-source document designed to meet the combined regulatory requirements for a US EPA Oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan, a Commonwealth of Virginia Oil Discharge Contingency Plan, and an EPA Hazardous Material Spill Contingency Plan. This plan is intended to prevent and minimize human health hazards or environmental damage in the event of any unplanned sudden or non-sudden discharge of oil or non-radiological hazardous materials to air, land, groundwater, or surface water at LaRC. The ISCP also describes policies and procedures for spill prevention, control, and countermeasure. Although spills are rare at LaRC, countermeasures for discharge discovery, response, and cleanup are always in place.

yellow spill kit and materials

To report an oil or hazardous material spill (LaRC employees):  dial 911 from any Center telephone or 757-864-2222 from a cellular telephone.