October is Energy Action Month! 2015

This October, the LaRC Energy Management Team kicks off its annual Energy Action Month activities. The following activities will mark this year’s observance:

Energy Action Heroes – Nominate a LaRC employee who has contributed significantly to conserving energy in the Center’s buildings. Selected heroes will be featured in @LaRC news articles highlighting their contributions. Email nominations to joan.m.hughes@nasa.gov or brandon.t.herbert@nasa.gov.

Energy & Water Expo – Join us on October 14th from 11am – 1pm in the Integrated Engineering Services Building (IESB) hallway (southern corridor nearest the cafeteria) for an event marking our annual Energy Action Month with interactive and informational displays highlighting Center efforts for Energy & Water Conservation and featuring outside partners including HRSD, HRGreen, Dominion Energy Rebate Programs, Virginia Clean Cities, Hampton Roads Solar Group, and many more…

Waste to Energy Steam Plant Tour –Did you know that all of NASA Langley’s trash, as well as a significant percentage of the area’s municipal waste, is converted to steam that heats LaRC’s buildings and even runs some of our wind tunnels? When LaRC uses this steam instead of generating steam at our on-Center steam plant, we save energy and money. In fact, LaRC won a national award for increasing the amount of waste-to-energy steam for wind tunnel research, saving the Center over a million dollars in natural gas and water costs! Join us for the return of the original Stinky Tour, and see how trash that would normally go to landfills is transformed into steam energy right in our own backyard. Tours will be held on October 21st and 28th at 10am. Shuttle leaves at 9:45 from IESB (pickup location will be on W. Taylor Road between 1146 and IESB pedestrian mall). Max of 20 people per tour. Please RSVP to brandon.t.herbert@nasa.gov by October 14th to reserve your seat.

Tour of Newport News Waterworks – Come see the energy that goes into treating our water before making its way to our faucets. Join us for a special tour of the Newport News Waterworks facility on October 20th at 10 am. Shuttle leaves at 9:15 am from IESB (pickup location will be on W. Taylor Road between 1146 and IESB pedestrian mall). Please RSVP to brandon.t.herbert@nasa.gov by October 9th to reserve your seat.

@LaRC Postings – Look for posts from the Energy and Water Conservation Team throughout October for helpful information on energy and water conservation at home and in the workplace.

Training Opportunities in energy conservation and energy management at home and in the workplace. Join us for several training opportunities being offered in October including info on Home Energy Audits, Net Zero Energy, and new power monitoring tools for the Center’s buildings.

Check out all of the activities planned for Energy Action Month Here:


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