…but as they say over at the NASA/City of Hampton Waste-to-Energy steam plant, that’s the smell of money!
Did you know that all of NASA Langley’s trash, as well as a significant percentage of the area’s municipal waste, is converted to steam that heats LaRC’s buildings and even runs some of our wind tunnels? When LaRC uses this steam instead of generating steam at our on-Center steam plant, we save energy and money. In fact, LaRC won a national award for increasing the amount of waste-to-energy steam for wind tunnel research, saving the Center over a million dollars in natural gas and water costs!
Find out more: http://www.hampton.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2990
Tour the Waste-To-Energy plant and see how your trash has powered NASA research. Sign up for one of the following tour dates and times by calling 4-6236 or emailing brandon.t.herbert@nasa.gov. PLEASE RSVP by Wednesday, October 14th.
Wednesday, October 21, 10 a.m.
Wednesday, October 28, 10 a.m.
Because parking at the plant is limited, participants will be transported by shuttle from B1146 to the plant. Bus will depart 15 minutes before the scheduled tour time.
Check out all of the activities planned for Energy Action Month Here:
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