In November 2015, there was visible oil sheen in the sanitary wastewater exiting our primary pumping station. Coincidentally, Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) was on site taking samples and witnessed the sheen. This incident was considered a permit Notice of Violation (NOV) and ended our 14-year streak of perfect compliance. <p >This incident highlights the importance of remaining vigilant in what goes into our drainage systems – no matter how big or small. Oils and oil-based products should never be poured into sinks or drains. If you ever see any abnormal operations, have areas of concern, or just want to ask a question – please contact Peter Van Dyke at 4-7517. Some things to be on the lookout for would include:
- Sinks with evidence of oily debris or cleaning of equipment/parts;
- Oil stains near floor drains;
- Leaking drums, hydraulic systems, or other oil-bearing equipment (especially near drains); and/or
- Oil odors in your facility, especially in basements and sump pump areas
- Please report anything know matter how minor and I’ll follow-up and investigate.