Natural Resources

NASA Langley has a long-term plan that guides implementation of conservation and restoration programs to help ensure support for the facility mission, while protecting and enhancing natural resources and providing a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities for facility personnel. The overall management objectives are to integrate urban and forest management, fish and wildlife management, land/wetland management, and management for public access to outdoor recreational opportunities, as practicable and consistent with the facility’s mission and established land uses.

Natural Resources Management Plans (NRMPs) are long-term planning documents that are developed to guide federal facilities in the management of natural resources to support the facility mission requirements, while protecting and enhancing natural resources for multiple uses, sustainable yield, and biological integrity. The NASA LaRC NRMP provides recommendations, goals, and implementation strategies for management of LaRC’s natural resource assets. The NRMP serves as a natural resources planning, budgeting, and coordinating tool which aids in programming future natural resource project requirements and needs.

Click on the following links for more information on LaRC’s natural resource management program areas:

Birds        Trees        Mammals           LaRC’s Wildlife Education

Additional Resources:

NASA Headquarters has developed a public NASA Natural Resources Management website that provides information on management of natural resources across the Agency, including threatened and endangered species at each NASA Center, regulatory drivers, as well as NASA initiatives related to natural resource management:

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