Plastic Bag Recycling Results – Earth Day 2017

NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) again participated with the York/Poquoson Master Gardeners in collecting clean plastic bags and films for recycling during April for Earth Day and Arbor Day. 

Donated material totaled 150 pounds. 

This amount is equivalent to diverting at least 15,000 plastic grocery bags from our local waste stream and will be included in LaRC’s annual waste diversion reporting. Special thanks go to Building B1268C personnel for donating 37 pounds towards this total. 

LaRC’s April collection completed the Master Gardener’s six-month goal and will result in the placement of a composite bench at the NASA Langley Child Development Center. The Standard Practice and Environmental Engineering Branch (SPEEB) and York/Poquoson Master Gardeners thank all who participated and look forward to our next collection planned for October 2017! 

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