Have you ever wondered why we collect batteries at LaRC? Or why we are required to put tape on the terminals before the batteries can go into the collection bins?
The big picture: to protect human health and the environment. Below are 5 common FAQs about battery recycling.
1. Why is it important to recycle batteries?
Batteries contain corrosive materials and heavy metals that can contaminate the environment. If placed in landfills, the toxic materials can leak into the soil, which can reach our water supply. If incinerated, toxic fumes are produced. LaRC uses a vendor that recycles the chemicals and metals within the batteries. This reduces the dangers these batteries pose to human health and the environment by diverting them from landfills and incinerators.
FUN FACT: More than 99% of all battery lead is recycled. Compared to 55% of aluminum drink cans, 45% of newspapers, 26% of glass bottles and 26% of tires, lead-acid batteries top the list of the most highly recycled consumer product. (batterycouncil.org)
2. Why do we tape the terminals of the battery before we recycle it?
To properly secure a battery, simply placing a piece of tape over the terminals will prevent the terminals from coming into contact with metal or any other batteries. This prevents short circuiting. Short circuiting occurs when the positive and negative terminals of a battery are connected with a low-resistance conductor, like a piece of metal, wire, or another battery. Short circuits are dangerous with power sources because the currents encountered can cause large amounts of heat energy to be released . This video demonstrates the dangers of short-circuiting.
3. Is there an incorrect way to tape battery terminals?
Yes!! Here are some things to avoid when you are taping your battery terminals:
-Don’t stack button cell batteries prior to taping. If multiple button cell batteries need to be prepared for recycling, simply use a longer piece of tape and place each button cell side by side. Then place another length of tape over the tops of the batteries.
-Don’t tape different batteries together. Each battery is sorted by type and chemistry when it is recycled. Place enough tape to safely cover the terminals, but avoid wrapping the entire battery in tape or taping different batteries together.
4. What if I have questions about my facility’s batteries or the collection bin?
If you ever have any questions, call Dave Steigerwald at 4-8058 or email him at david.j.steigerwald@nasa.gov.
5. How do I recycle my batteries at home?
No matter where you live in Hampton Roads, there are many resources available for you to recycle your household batteries. This website lists all of them for you!